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Understanding the True Nature and Purpose of Fear
Dr. Santi Meunier

We have all known fear. For some of us fear is a constant companion, the underlying force in our lives that keeps us feeling “stuck” or “safe” as the case may be.

Sometimes it has saved us from entering into a dangerous situation.

Other times it may have prevented us from pursuing something that could have been a life-changing opportunity. Fear can keep us from boarding airplanes, from falling in love, from asking for a raise, and perhaps the saddest of all, from fulfilling our true purpose here in this lifetime.

Fear insinuates itself into our emotional fiber, so the more power we give to it the more it demands. It speaks to us constantly, a catastrophic song about one thing or another, and we continue to listen.

What is this thing “fearapostrophe that lords over us, calling the shots and robbing us of our peace of mind? Who or what is it that speaks? Is it us? Are we the voice of fear? It can certainly feel like that sometimes.

Before we can begin to free ourselves from the grip of fear and its negative effects, we need to understand the true nature of fear. In the beginning, we were given instincts to help us survive. We had a heightened sense of our environment so that we could nourish ourselves and procreate. As time went on we became more dependent upon machines and technology for our quality of life and survival. As a result, our instincts and senses diminished and our mental processes strengthened. As we became more and more identified with our minds as our source of supply and safety, our thoughts and emotions carried more weight. Fear shifted its focus from our instinctual nature to our emotional nature.

It is the imbalance of our emotions that create toxic levels of fear.

We strengthen what we focus on. The more attention we give to fear the stronger it gets. The key to overcoming the debilitating affects of fear is to bring our emotional, instinctual and spiritual natures into balance and harmony.

Thankfully, there is another way to experience life that leads to a new freedom and happiness If you are sick and tired of being afraid, here are 3 simple steps to begin to free yourself from fear.

· Identify the fear

What am I afraid of and why?

It was President Franklin D. Roosevelt who said, “There is nothing to fear but fear itself.apostrophe

Write or speak your fear. Bring it out into the open-expose it.

Example: I am afraid of asking for a raise.

Why? “I don’t think my boss likes me.apostrophe

· Disassemble the fear.